Friday, February 17, 2017

I'll Just Date Myself

What is wrong with these men nowadays? I am SO TIRED of starting over. I feel like I am doing all the work. No, I don't feel like it, I am LITERALLY doing all the work. I apologize for being confident, and knowing my self worth. I apologize for not settling for some bullshit shell of a man just to say that I have one. I apologize for not being willing to chase a grown ass man around. I apologize for not wanting to deal with a man that has a football team worth of kids when I have none. I'm sorry that I refuse to be the only one that texts, calls, sets up dates, initiates sex etc. I AM TIRED! Allow me to expand.

I have dated younger men, men within my age group (30-35), and older men, and they're all consistent. I don't mean that in a good way either. These bastards are consistently inconsistent. I feel like the roles have been completely reversed. The women are now initiating the first contact and facilitating the conversations, planning dates, paying for dates (making the money too while we're on the topic), sliding in DM's and messengers after spotting something they see etc. They literally don't know how to date anymore! It's been so easy to get ass online that the previous dating principles have become obsolete. They don't even try to approach you in public. Fear of rejection *shrugs*. Now, men post their trap pics and the women flock. One would think that was strictly for women, but alas, the shirtless, lip-licking, money flashing men have learned to finesse their way into the panties of the drooling onlookers. The sad part is, most of them can't live up to the facade they display once you factor in the child support and Sallie Mae payments. They don't have to work for shit, and the minute you oppose the obvious, now your'e difficult and they don't want to deal with you. Actually sir, I live in the real world where you have to put your phone down to engage a woman. If the intent of your interaction is purely sexual, then just say so. The sad truth is, I can only stand most of them for the ten minutes (or less) that it takes for me to cum a few times. After that, I have no real use for you. The same way men call themselves gauging the worth of a woman by way of her appearance, women apply the same mindset. Let me speak on behalf of myself. I can entertain a "ain't shit" man for the sole purpose of fulfilling my sexual desire.  However, I am capable of discerning between a real contender versus a man that has nothing to offer besides a beard and a few strokes. Thus, I had to learn how to separate my heart from my loins.

Everyone tells me that I have to stop being so hard on the men. What? How Sway? I'm merely a traditional gal that was raised to know my worth. My father didn't allow me to take out trash, clean cars, do yard work etc. Yes, Mom and Dad had roles. I know our generation is full of independent feminists, but I NEED a MAN. A man that does manly shit. Fuck your feminist movement. You butch bitches can build houses, wash cars, mow lawns, toss mulch, whatever floats your boat. I'll continue to be the dainty one that cooks, cleans, fucks, and looks good with soft skin (not to say you aren't soft either, but stay focused on the point sis). No, I won't dumb myself down for anyone to understand me, as I am a complex being. I love that attribute. He'll have to level up. Probably a few levels. I'm a freak. I'm old enough to understand that and direct it appropriately. I won't always be submissive either, as I like to take control and give direction. I will do and say lewd things, and you will accept it, or you can dismiss yourself. At all costs, I'll be me.

What won't I do? I won't settle for anything less than I deserve. If I feel like I'm the only person putting forth all the effort, you'll notice that I distance myself. I'll express my interest, and will do my part, but I can't do one-sided communication. I refuse to keep telling a man how to treat me. I refuse to "build a foundation" with a 40 year old man. Do you know what the meaning of foundation is? It's the lowest load-bearing part of something. Bitch, I have one foot in the grave almost! If you aren't able to match me and/or do better, I can't foresee us going the distance. Of course, the boundaries of such "foundation laying" are circumstantial. It all depends on the confines of your reasoning for being 20 years behind schedule. If you're 35 with no car, a job paying $10 an hour, with 8 kids in tow, you have no place in my life. I can't buy you clothes and shoes. I'm not squiring you about town in my vehicle, nor will I hand over the keys to it. No, you will not be able to move in with me and pay half the rent, or none at all. Dick won't alter my mindset and have me acting crazy. I'm too busy to be crazy, so calm yourself with that childish shit. I'll delete your number and move along like I never met you. I could die tomorrow, so why do I need to keep selling myself? If you can't realize greatness then you have the deficiency. Trust me, once I find a man on the same wavelength, I'll treat his ass like gold chile lol (just like all the other people in my life that I love)!

Until someone comes along that is serious about a monogamous relationship, I'll just date myself. It's been a grandiose awakening!  I can continue to borrow penis once or twice a year to scratch my itch, but I can't keep putting up with shenanigans. I don't have a biological clock that's ticking, but I have standards. HIGH ones at that. Trust that I come equipped with the full package, so my worth is not up for questioning. I had to learn to stop providing benefits of relationships for people that aren't even options. Since I woke up, a lot of people have stepped out of my life, and I'm cool with that. At least I know who's down. If the love isn't reciprocal, I'll recede. Life is short, and I want to continue to be stress-free and happy. Come find me, as I can't look any further. Game. Set. Match!

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