Thursday, February 23, 2017

Prince Charming The Pansy

That's what they say, and I am not ashamed to agree, Why is everything that's bad for us the fuckin' best tasting, best looking, and best feeling shit ever? The best food that makes you a fat ass tastes the best. The best sex is attached to a community cock sharing dude that you can't get enough of. I don't care how much of a good girl you are, you've either lusted over, or dealt with a dude that you KNEW wasn't about shit!  You kept entertaining him anyway just like I did. He's a womanizer, and won't deny it. He calls himself being up front about everything, but makes you feel SO GOOD when in his company that all morals, principles, and values go out the window (sorry Dad). He knows all the right things to say, the right things to do, and you can't help but fall for his charm. Where are my panties? How'd they come off so easily? Wait, I don't wanna be another female you pursue, fuck, and leave. Stop kissing me. Don't lick your lips like that. Don't take that shirt off. SHIT. I done slipped and fell on the dick. I gotta stop talking to him. He's no good for me. I can't help it though! The sex clouds my better judgement. I know I have so much to offer to a deserving man, but I just can't get past his appeal. He's so raunchy, rough, careless even. What the fuck is wrong with me? Remember that nice guy you met downtown? He was a nice looking guy, not really my type, but I'm trying to broaden my horizon and stop focusing on looks. He had a professional demeanor, and asked all the standard interview questions. What do you do, favorite color, favorite food, where have I traveled to, why don't I have kids and do I want them, how many siblings I had etc. You know, the standard interview questions one has to answer when actively dating. On paper, we would be PERFECT together. He was college educated, an Engineer, no kids, nice condo car, all the things that a gal needs to consider longevity. Right? What was the problem? He was boring as fuck! Like, watching paint dry boring. The first date was a dry, but I chocked it up to nerves (on his part, as I was cool as a cucumber). I still smiled and enjoyed my food amid the awkward silence that overcame the table. He was a very consistent texter so I decided to go on another date. This time we went to a comedy show. Now, I was expecting him to loosen up some, and possibly put his arm around me, graze my thigh, SOMETHING. I caught him looking at me a few times (that was cute), but I could still sense the nervousness. You know women pick up on the most subtle moves. We went to a bar after that for some drinks and appetizers. He commenced to talk about his favorite basketball team and more about work. I was over this square shit! I wanted to make him uncomfortable to see how he'd react. I asked him what his favorite position was (this was a test BTW). He glared, and started to smirk. He replied. I wasn't turned on the least bit. Everything he said after that was hesitant, unsure, and lacking conviction. The whole time, I was comparing him to Mr. Ain't Shit. I wish I could build a man the way these hoes build a body! I'd keep all the positive attributes from the good guy, but meld the fire, passion, and sex appeal of Mr. Ain't Shit into him lol. I require a man that takes control, and is 100% confident in himself. I want him to still be goal oriented, have the career and goals etc. but I am so tired of having to choose between a total square and a man that you KNOW won't be faithful. It's all about balance, and right now, I have a serious case of vertigo. I wont stop until I find the all inclusive man package!

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