Tuesday, February 21, 2017

You Get What You Deserve

There's always that one dude that has all these prerequisites for the type of woman he dates. Now, there's NO ISSUE with having a preference, as we all do, but some of these dudes wouldn't budge from what they considered a perfect woman. Take personality, ambition, intelligence etc. off the table for a second. It's shallow time friends.

As I was saying, we all have a preference. I prefer a man at least 6'2 with a athletic build, beard, beautiful teeth, tattoos hidden underneath a business suit (you catch my drift). However, I always end up dating the latter. That's not a bad thing, it just shows how flexible I am lol. I'll always seek what my heart desires, but will never block what's meant to be based off of appearances alone. We may not always be someones cup of tea, but that doesn't mean you should be completely looked over because you don't possess every quality a man prefers to a T. I have been told numerous times that if I wasn't so tall I would be perfect, or that bullshit about only liking foreign women with long hair and light skin. Oh, but I've always been "pretty for a dark skinned girl". I love a good chocolate drop, so I don't get offended by dumb remarks such as those. I was always called a hater because I would point out (without fail) that those pretty foreign women you follow on social media won't pay your ass any mind because your money isn't long enough, or quite honestly, you're too regular for them to even notice. They are posting for the likes of someone famous, or with a lot of followers that they can scheme off you to add to their repertoire. It's all a game when sex sells boo. The more slinky the swimsuit, the more likes you get, and the more likes you get, the more internet exposure you garner. I'm not mad at the hustle, but your regular ass needs to come on back down to Earth. No matter how many #WCW posts, shout outs, heart emojis, DM messages etc. you send their way, you'll never get chosen. That's life. That's your life Mr. Regular.

You'll notice the same ones that curved you years ago for being too fat, too tall, too short, too light, too dark, too smart, too abrasive etc. have resurfaced with this new found humbled nature. Now all of a sudden it's about appreciating the ones that were down when money was tight, and who always came through with a positive word. It's like they're providing you with this synopsis or theorem as a means to prepare you for those couples pic that shall ensue. You formulate your own hypothesis for this experiment of the heart, and chuckle because your hypothesis is about to be proven true.

The holidays bring about added pressure for couples pics (duh). Most people hide behind the guise of privacy, but we all know that people that don't post pics of their significant other do so as a means to keep all their previous conquests on stand by. It's sad that this is what we do, but I swear it's the truth. In case things go awry, you'll always have backup(s). Now, some people truly are private, but you mean to tell me that we can see pics of your street you live on, where you work, and your family, but you keep your relationship 100% under wraps? I call bullshit friends! I assume the pressure becomes too great on his part, and his "Queen" is finally revealed to the world. I swear y'all, 80% of these hoes look like Penguin from Batman. Where are those standards sir? I thought you only dealt with "bad bitches"? What changed your mind? Has thou been humbled? Art thou accepting that you like more meat on the bones now? Have you had the epiphany that looks fade but this love is forever. Nah, you know that what I said was true. All the bitches you lust after are outta your league. You went from Bad & Boujee to "Bald & Basic". She has a good heart, she takes care of you, and accepts all your kids. No, she takes care of you and puts up with your shit (I guess that makes her humble too right), and told you she was gonna leave your ass and all the benefits attached will dissipate unless you claimed her. Good save kind sir! Your lust for the finer things in life will probably never subside, as we are humans that are attracted to the aesthetically pleasing, but one must remember that what glitters isn't always gold. Don't set your standards so damn high that you or anyone else you encounter has a shot at living up to them. The same things you seek, should be on the table with regard to thine self. If your stomach ain't flat and your pockets are the opposite of swollen, you should never say that you'd never date a big girl, or a woman without a surplus of cash. This is the problem with us now! Everyone is living above their means and thinking they are deserving of the finer things in life with nothing to offer besides a few minutes of sex and a bunch of dreams. People have to stop being opportunists thinking that there's always the next best thing in store, and a what if on the side. If you have someone that overlooks your receding hair line, and depleting ambition, you better hold on to them. Outer appearances can be altered, but REAL loyalty is free, and unwavering. Choose wisely.

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