Thursday, January 24, 2019

Loco Labias

Crazy isn't cute you dummy. Why would you want to be around a person that makes you "crazy"? Being paranoid every time your man leaves the house, opens his phone, or interacts with another female is UNHEALTHY. You do realize that people are gonna do as they please regardless of your presence and pressure. If anything, your constant accusations and paranoia will drive them to do the shit you claim with justification. I her stories about women doing full-on stake outs, sitting in front of their mate's home, job, and even family member's houses to see if their hunches are true.

One thing about me is that I am big on privacy. You know the saying "Do unto others". Well, yeah... do that. I have NEVER popped up on someone unannounced, nor have I tried to jailbreak a cell phone. I have never called a female to "come to her as a woman", or damaged any property. The only person that looks like a gotdamn fool in those situations is YOU bitch. You think that's love? Stressing out about the whereabouts of a penis does not pay the bills chile. Stalking someone's social media leaving comments and sliding in folks DM is not going to scare the hoes away. People don't have respect for themselves, so why the fuck would they have respect for you and your situation? I'm sorry but having the police called to my residence, having to go to court etc. is not the way a diva conducts herself. What y'all need to do is start tightening up your boundaries, and stop ALLOWING a MF to manipulate you, take you for granted and lead you astray. You know that thing called intuition? No matter how much we wanna ignore it, it's a real thing. Energy shifts, and you damn sure don't need to see your boo's texts to see when shit has changed (and not for the better).

We really have to stop putting so much effort in trying to save dead relationships. If you have to constantly remind your dude how you need to be treated, he doesn't care sis. If you used to have cute dates planned for you, flowers delivered to your job, whatever corny shit you did (lol), and he doesn't do it anymore, it's because he's become complacent, or he's stroking a new cat. You can't control the feelings and actions of others! What you can control is your reaction to the action (or the lack there of). Stop posting all your relationship quarrels online. Stop looking to others for advice on how to handle YOUR relationship. If you sit a person down that claims to love you, and they make NO EFFORT to do better shortly thereafter, you need to decide whether to remain a doormat, or to let go of the toxicity and do better for yourself. STOP BEING DESPERATE FOR LOVE. Stop calling those women's phones, sending them messages and breaking their windows. If he wants to cheat he will. Occupy yourself. Get some money, get a hobby, get a bigger, better dick. Get your life!

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