Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Revolving Doors

I came across this on an astrology page, but it can be applied to all zodiac signs. Do you ever wake up one day and get sick of being the forever understanding, always available one? I swear you MF's have killed the phrase "I'll be there whenever you need me" with your manipulative asses! So, let me say that I will NOT be available! I will not be in the rotation one day and then out the next. You will keep an open line of communication, and I require your undivided attention when I'm in your presence! No it's NOT okay for you to disappear into thin air for weeks and/or months on end, only to pop up via text or social media to reintroduce yourself. I don't give a fuck what I used to allow. Today is a different day bitch! The air is smelling like...a new man! A better cut of meat! Eureka!

I realized the revolving door I used to have in my heart, mind, and bed was under construction, and I have recently unveiled a solid gold vault that you are unable to penetrate! The empty promises, the faint picture of the future people will paint should not be a catalyst for you to put up with less than you deserve. A pro will make you believe that things are the way they are due to your lack of action. How do you give a person that's all over the place your all? Who the fuck benefits from "what if's" and maybe's?  I will NOT give situationships monogamous relationship privileges! I will NOT do back flips on your dick, cook, clean, do laundry...NONE OF THAT SHIT. I get three minutes of dick, a headache, and a host of  wyd texts, and I'm expected to swoon? Kiss my ass! Y'all gotta understand something. A woman that knows her full potential and value is a dangerous being. People like myself with bleeding hearts tend to give folk more chances than they deserve, trying to see the
good in them and awaiting their promised growth/change. In the end, the perpetrator will just use you as long as you allow them to. They think you're sweet and sex drunk. Nah, I'm really just giving you a chance to see what you stand to lose. I keep my options open, and also date in the meantime. Only a dummy will put all their eggs in one basket when dealing with a person that thinks that life revolves around them (pun intended). Stop giving people leeway to do whatever they please. Nip that shit in the bud. If you want to be in my life, pettiness and tit-for-tat shenanigans will be moot . I don't have time to court men in 2019. You don't call me, I won't call you. You don't make plans to see me, I will make plans to see someone else. You don't put forth any effort, you get dismissed. You want to be the only one, you need to reciprocate. I don't care how irreplaceable you think you may be dear heart, there is a man with more on the horizon, so go be mediocre with a bitch that has low self esteem, empty pockets, and a yearning for acceptance. I don't fit the description!

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